
Tere! Astu ligi, ajame juttu.

Taavi Sepp

I trust something I wrote or said caused your interest to spike and took you here. Thanks for your attention! I hope you’ll find something useful here.

I focus on two broad areas – IT and people. The first covers organisation, tech and product strategies, roadmaps and delivery, organisation mergers and IT carve-out projects. I’m happy to get involved with establishing your IT strateegia, toimemudeli väljatöötamisel, structuring your project portfolio or need interim manager support.

The second focus area covers leadership and personal coaching (I am an ICF certified coach) and development, capacity building, digital skills development. If you are on the crossroads or preparing for the next step, a coach is what you need in achieving your full potential!

Have a look at my CV and get in touch by calling, sending an email or scheduling a session using my public calendar.

Phone/Signal/WhatsApp: +372 5556 4475 | +49 152 23989916‬
E-mail: taavi [at] taavisepp [dot] eu

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